It's like a phone call to your best friend.
At least that's what it's supposed to be like.
Who goes months or even years without having a decent two-way convo with their BFF?
Instead, we ask our Friend for things all the time.
Asking for a job
Asking for a good grade on a test
Asking for protection
Asking our friend for all these favors
Yet never even thinking of returning the favor.
He doesn't ask for much, you know.
He said that if you love Him
Keep His commandments.
If you have a girlfriend or a boyfriend
You'll remain faithful to her/him
Why not to God?
This week I had a quiz in a class that's been giving me a lot of trouble.
I studied like crazy.
Started panicking a little bit right before I started taking it.
I said a rote prayer
I know I should've meant it more than I did.
But once I started the exam
Everything that I studied flashed back into my memory.
My parents always told me
That if I reviewed for a test properly
And prayed before taking it
The Holy Spirit would bring back to my memory anything that I might've forgotten
And that's what happened.
I was so stressed before the exam
But then I became perfectly calm.
I wrote my answers on the test sheet
Handed it in
And felt perfectly at peace.
I got the results for it
And I aced it
I was so happy I couldn't stop saying "Thank you, Jesus" under my breath
This caused me to think about all the times I've asked God for things
And He granted my wishes
When I didn't deserve them.
Sometimes I don't even give him the praise that He deserves.
I realized that I've been treating my Best Friend rather badly
So I decided to start stepping it up a bit
And I invite the readers to do the same
Give God the praise He deserves
Treat Him the way He deserves to be treated.
(This original piece was written by one of our youth, LJ Bartley. It can also be found on our FB page)